
Friday, October 23, 2015

ANOTHER MACHINE CLIFF HANGER......'s another cliff hanger in the continuing saga to purchase a sewing machine that will sew a balanced straight stitch, 1/4" seam, also allowing the patches to remain the same length/size as they were cut.

For anyone new to my blog....go back to my Oct. 8th post and start reading....sorry, you'll have to wade through some that aren't related to the new machine quest.

I pondered in one of my 'almost rants'....that perhaps sewing machine manufacturers are trying to develop one-size fits all machines, but instead have created ones that may not do anything well.

The focus seems to be on machine embroidery or perhaps even FM quilting....why it's seemingly not important to provide an even and balanced straight stitch right out of the box that cost several thousand dollars is beyond me.
Two weeks ago today, after returning the VERY disappointing Pfaff Expressions 4.2, I brought home a Janome 8900.  Was thrilled with it at first.....but now....I've spent nearly the entire passing two weeks testing, adjusting, testing to find the right combination of settings. should not be necessary to change the bobbin/top thread/pressure foot, stitch length and width when the machine has a dedicated 1/4" stitch setting!!!  AND....the darn thing refuses to stitch....even wind a bobbin with the 'new easy' needle plate in place.

Before continuing.....I want to give a shout out to Sarah Ann Smith, and a thank you to blogger follower Kris for telling me about Sarah's blog. She has generously spent oodles of time by email and phone helping me troubleshoot the issues I was having.  Thank you, thank you Sarah!!!!

Let me say...of course I could have gone back to the dealer....but since it's 90+ minutes away - ONE WAY.....and given that I've had extensive training on both Pfaff and Bernina's.....I kept hard could this be??  Goodness.....I know how to balance tension etc.
The machine did okay with my first 2" patch project....but when I began sewing these blocks with ONLY 7 patches but longer strips, no matter how VERY carefully I sewed.....not a single one came out to the exact size I needed.  After the first two it dawned on me, even though I couldn't detect any puckering or gathering...and the strips ends all met.....that somehow during the sewing process, the strips 'shrunk' in length.  This was after I carefully adjusted the width from the preset of 8.3 to 9.0 and length from 1.8 to 2.4 and yes even after using the Accufeed feature.....they didn't measure correctly.

Thankfully, my plan is to put sashing between the blocks so they don't actually have to meet exactly, but what if I wanted to make a more complicated precise pieced quilt?  Nope...this wasn't working......

How can this be?? Is this my 2nd lemon machine?  Am I that much of a perfectionist??  Here's my second shout out....I'm grateful to the Janome dealer - Judy's Sewing in Taylors, SC for their integrity.....  Despite thinking a mere two weeks ago that I was purchasing the newest 8900 model....NOT so, mine has completely disappeared from the Janome website and replaced with a new (blue face) one.  Judy is ordering this newer model for me and will make an even exchange.  They will work on my previous one and hopefully figure out what the problem was so future buyers won't experience this frustration.  In this day of businesses appearing not to have the interest of their customers in mind.....not so for this stand up dealer.

So....again....the cliff hanger.....once I get the new one.....I'll be reporting back....for's handwork for me.....


  1. Oh geeze Mary....What a pain....thought everything was finally working out...The plus is you have a nice dealer to work with....Good luck!

  2. Should it be this hard?? Oh my goodness. Glad your dealer is reputable and providing some help. But rural living sure has a cost when it comes to things like "running to the quilt shop". We're a half-hour from just about everything, but 90 min. to the shop is a trip you don't want to repeat often. Good luck!

  3. I really hope the 8900 special edition with the blue front will do it for you! And no, it shouldn't be that hard to get a perfect straight stitch. Sometimes I think we need two machines: a good old fashioned mechanical like the Featherweight, Singer 201 or 301 for perfect piecing, then the fancy ones for the other stuff!!!! I was so thrilled when you called back yesterday to say the dealer suggested the swap up and is going to make it right. Bonus points for the dealership! Keep me posted, and happy to help--that's what I'm here for!

  4. I can't believe that you are still having trouble, and yet, I can. Nothing comes up to scratch does it although I must say my simple Janome is okay.
    I do hope you get it all sorted, I can imagine your frustration, I hate messing about with tension.
    By the way, the quilt is beautiful.

  5. Mary how frustrating... I am still cleaning and straightening and finding UFO's in the studio.So have not even had the chance to get into the Video on my new machine. Was at the ER on Wed. night for Ralph, shoulder healing nicely, but has gout in his hand and wrist and a small blood clot in the elbow of the arm that had surgery. UGH.
    So his Marine buddy's from the League, are chipping in time and giving him the shots in the tummy.
    Sarah Ann is a great person to give help.. I know her from our Postcard group, and she has come to my aid lots of times. Don't know where she finds the time, but always grateful.
    Yeah, for having a wonderful sewing machine dealer.. I have never "tested" my machine for that exact piecing,, I always thought anything not sized right was my fault.. may do some testing my self.. maybe it really isn't me... Patience... that is the hard part..

  6. I will take my Featherweight over ANY new machine!! It is not fancy, like the new machines, but I get a perfect straight stitch, every time!!

  7. Dear's Mary are among a huge fan base who feels the same's too bad there are so few Featherweights to go around to the adoring crowd!! Think of the money we'd save.......hundreds for the Featherweight vs thousands for machines that (for me) do far more than I care about.

  8. you are having problems, mind you I have heard it said that any machine that does a zig zag stitch never sews a perfect straight seam, (this is from my machine man and also from other sellers at the shows) the juki has just straight seams but very pricey here in the UK. I have a singer featherweight that only does straight seams and that is perfect, only 67 years old! can make blocks on it but not do anything big. Just read the above comment and see featherweight wins hands down

  9. Wow! What a miserable journey of disappointment! Hope the new machine brings the saga to a happy end!

  10. Thank goodness either my machine is working perfectly, or I just don't see the problem. It could likely be the second one, especially since I am not one for details! Here's hoping that you resolve the problem and soon so you can get the fun part of buying a new machine: sewing!

  11. now i am sooo glad i didn't splurge and buy that model! Also glad you post about your disappointments as well as good things.

  12. It's Mary here......just wanted to say.....I did a lot of research before getting the Janome 8900......and heard only good things......I'm thinking this was an isolated issue.....and am confident that the dealer will get solve the problem.
