
Sunday, August 16, 2015


The Fiber Junkies focus this month was experiment by spray painting fabric. The last couple of weeks have not been routine for me.....therefore my preparation for the day wasn't well thought my results were pitiful.
We are so lucky that member Val graciously hosts us during the summer months so we can get really messy.  After leaving her driveway covered with a bronze paint a year ago....this time it was covered with plastic.
 One of the dismal pieces I brought was a very pale hand dyed blue cotton.  After creating a simple grid design with painters tape..... was sprayed with thinned lime green and then bronze acrylic paint.  DREADFUL  yes?!?
 Next, using a rubber sink mat as a resist.....I sprayed the fabric with thinned black acrylic paint.....the yuck factor continued!
 Why I thought blue ferns would pull the design together is a mystery.......after adding a few I stopped. As is often the habit of our group.....when we totally dislike what we've done.....we pass it along to a willing member to rescue it.  Honestly, when the fabric's always transformed and we want it back!
 Here's an example of fabric being reworked......the section on the right had been created by look what she did on the left.   
 Denny is the queen of reworking fabric........she layers better than anyone I know......I wish I knew how many times these fabrics have been treated......but really does that matter?  We all loved the finished pieces.
Gen brought a product that I wasn't familiar's water color paint.....that's on heavy paper.  A wet paint brush is run over the paper....picking up the paint which she transferred to the white fabric at the top of this photo.

Stay tuned for more about our FJ play date. 


  1. What could be more fun than transforming fabrics together? The watercolor card is an interesting thing. And yes, Denny's layering is quite spectacular.

  2. I love the idea of passing the rejects on to someone else for a makeover. I've got more than a few to pass on to someone!

  3. I was just looking at the wonderful pieces 'you all' did that on Judy's blog. SO COOL!!!!
