
Friday, July 31, 2015


Now that I'm feeling ohhhhh so much better.......a busy personal schedule is keeping me away from the studio. (and will for most of August) 

However, I was in need of a small gift and decided a pin cushion is something that just about everyone can use.
This beauty was made by Patsy Thompson, who makes magic with her sewing machine.  Patsy was an original member of Fiber Junkies, a group of 6 that started about 7 years ago (note to self - check on the date!) 
It features free motion quilting on dyed fabrics.  Interest and texture was created by burning holes into the top layer of fabric.
 Not wanting to be a copy cat.....but being inspired to go beyond making a plain square or circular one.....I recalled an interesting pin cushion I'd seen in a gift shop.  It was made to look like a rose/flower of some sort.

Most of us have probably made a rose using lengths of ribbon.  So, that was what I attempted to do....filling a folded strip of fabric with wool batting.  The stuffed yellow circle center worked great but the rest didn't. Sorry, I have no photo to share of that disaster.  

So I began again......this time I cut circles of fabric and batting.....
..........folding in half....sewing the edges together.  There is probably a mathematical way to make the sections fit together better than mine did.....but in the worked fine. (The 3 center ones were smaller circles, the outer ones slightly larger.)
Instead of finishing the lower sides and bottom with fabric, felt leaves surround the piece, attached with an embroidered vein. 

Have you made any fun pin cushions?  Do share your ideas.......


  1. Cute. I really like my magnetic pin cushion.

  2. What a lovely idea. Wish I could think in 3D. Those petals fit together perfectly and the solution of green felt leaves makes the piece.

  3. This is cute and the batting in the half circles are a good idea. A couple years ago I made a bunch of cupcake pincushions by rolling strips of felted wool so that each roll was below the next by 1/2 inch. Think wedding cake tiers. I then put in the top of a detergent bottle and covered that with felt. Ribbon or rick rack for decoration on the cupcake cup part and colored pins for sprinkles. Very cute :-)

  4. It's Mary here.....thank you Carol for the adorable cupcake pin cushion idea!!!

  5. How clever!!! This is such a nice gift!!! You are my idol!

  6. It's Mary here.....oh plezzzzz I am blushing!!!!

  7. oo, tres jolie ... what a good idea and such a nice gift!

  8. This is so clever and a great idea for a little gift. I'll have to remember it.
