
Wednesday, June 17, 2015


So....'the husand' asked me to tackle a project for him.  It seemed simple when he described the task....ha, surprise, didn't take the 15 minutes I thought it would.
 These are SUPER, SUPER strong magnets....that I was to sew into the top of a flag.
No problem....says me.  I set about sewing a casing at the top of the flag.
 Thinking....I'd slide each of the 8 magnets into the sleeve....and machine stitch lines on each side to hold them in place.  NOT.....I was literally laughing out loud when I plopped the flag onto the bed of my sewing machine (with 1 magnet in place)......well....smack me in the face!  Of course the magnet stuck to the machine....and couldn't be moved.  Naturally, immediately I tugged it off....worrying the magnet could affect the computer in the machine.

So....I had to stitch little pockets by hand....NOT easy as the needle kept stitching to the did the scissors when I cut the thread.  Really, it was comic!

But......finally they were all stitched in place and the 'flag' will now be firmly secured over the auto's windshield.  One of the annual car races we attend is located in an area where the soil is particularly nasty.....this hopefully will save the windshield.


  1. Oh Mary, this made me laugh so hard. A great way to start my day! I'm sure it was frustrating while you were trying to do it, but you've described it so well.

  2. I agree with Linda...this was a funny 'picture' in my mind. I was wondering how you would sew it thinking the foot or needle would get pulled in. But I forgot about the throat plate!!! You are a good wife!!!

  3. what a giggle I had, is your machine okay, I know they say magnets and computer machines are to be kept well apart. Trust you enjoyed a bit of hand sewing though

  4. Yes, for those of you who asked....thankfully my machine is okay...... Again.....all I can say is DAH!!!

  5. I couldn't help laughing at this as you paint such a vivid picture. Glad no machines were hurt in the process.

  6. oh my, that is hilarious! yup I can see exactly how that went.....glad to know you machine was not affected.
