
Tuesday, June 23, 2015


It's interesting to me when authors of the blogs I read pepper their posts from time to time with insights of their home life This is one of those posts.....I'll keep it brief.
 You've read about my daily 'forced march', which takes about 90 mins. and consists of four 1,000 feet elevation changes.....oh my......  If I wasn't guilted into going by 'the husband', I'd stall until the day was over.....honestly, this is not enjoyable for me but as one reaches the 7th's even more important to keep moving! 

I try to remind myself to keep my mind open to appreciating our beautiful surroundings. (Rather than concentrating and mulling over the sewing projects that await me!)  There are only 40 lots in our small subdivision, less than half are built on.....probably the result of the housing bust.  2 sections allow horses....with the morning sun just coming over the mountain, Angel (the horse) is standing in a field of daisies.
Our black lab Sooty rarely pays attention to the horses....she's on alert for moles....yes....Sooty is an accomplished mole catcher.  Gross......

What are you ignoring as you make your way through your day?  I guess we all need to give ourselves permission to STOP DOING......just for right now!


  1. I guess you're right- remember to enjoy the view. It is very pretty there, and the horse pasture makes it even more bucolic. 90 minutes- that's a lot, but it will really pay off. A flat land walk in one thing, but the elevation adds a real challenge! We ride our bikes (more in the winter) and swim for exercise. And my husband still rides at least one of his horses every day. It's good your husband keeps you at it! I'd hang in the sewing room a lot more if I could.

  2. I still marvel at these 4 elevation changes having done a hike or 2 with a single 1000 ft change. How long does a forced march take you (or take out of your day? I get a fairly swift mile in on the flat most days which I find to be a refreshing break in many ways. Gets the blood flowing, the muscles unkinked and the brain wandering - all good things for someone whose daily routine is full of mostly sedentary interests. And even though there are days I think too busy for such luxury, mine are just about 20 minutes unless I get distracted by something (like your horse or flora). Not every walk is a pleasure but as you say, it IS important to keep moving.

  3. i always find it good to take a breather and enjoy the day with a walk. Having my little dog is an encouragement ! Our quilts will still be waiting for us when we get back and I always find I my concentration is better after a walk, I also solve a few quilt related problems on my walk.

  4. I walk Kalee a mile twice a day and I bet I see something different every do have to look but because I walk the same mile (we live in a small sub) I have to "look" for things as I get bored easily! Bet that surprises you, right! HA

  5. I stopped today to really enjoy the bed of poppies I've got. We started out with just a few plants last year and they reseeded into a large patch of red about 3 feet wide by 20 feet long. Do poppies come in any other color? My daisies didn't survive the winter. You have a lot of energy. Keep it up. I used to walk 4 miles every day now I'm lucky if I take time to do a 20 minute walk.

  6. I too am seeking time to quiet my mind from my mental "to do" list that roams my is a good space to go to.
