
Friday, June 12, 2015


Perhaps photos of our flat dyeing process are one of those things that "you just had to be there' to appreciate....... but I'll try to explain some of the various approaches we tried during our flat dyeing day.
 Kate actually decided to use some previously dyed/printed she's stenciling using a thickened dye.
 Such a simple step with a very eye catching result.....I believe she added more than just this one image, alas....honestly I was so into what I was creating....I didn't follow up and take another picture.
 I probably say this every time I blog about our Fiber Junkies play date.  We ALL want to be Val......she is the quietest member of our group who very thoughtfully goes about any task we tackle.  Most of us arrive....and run around like headless chickens.  NOT Val.....she's made decisions ahead of time and methodically goes about creating her pieces.  

Here's she's painting thickened dyes onto a long narrow piece of pretreated muslin.......a scene depicting our area Blue Ridge Mountains.
 Denny, the fearless, fastest one among us.....was writing using a nifty syringe fitted with a writing tip.
 Gen made this storm scene.
 Kate and Judy seem to pass fabric back and forth at each gathering....pieces that were disappointing to the giver but not the receiver.  Judy is now transforming a brightly dyed piece that Kate had done. 
 Denny can never leave well enough alone.......we are always astonished how her vision allows her to see beyond a 'completed' piece.  She's now over-dyeing fabric that had featured simple writing and squiggles.  And much to our surprise.....these pieces are always improved by her persistence.

My day was busy again with another fiber group so I haven't washed my dyed pieces.......but will asap and hopefully will have some pleasing designs to share.  Stay tuned......


  1. If I joined this group, I'd immediately be bonding with Val & asking if she ever found you chickens distracting or just humerous! ;-) I'm definitely like Val, preferring to show up at play days with a plan & soon find myself in my own little world. And then I look up & see what the others are up to & am energized by the different experimentation going on.

    I admit to a bit of envy of people like Denny who as you say can envision what more a piece can become when others might stop satisfied. I have always been timid in this regard, fearing to "ruin" what is coming along nicely. But I am becoming braver these days, having had some successes show me just how much better something can be if I just keep going.

    You've shown some great examples of why to use this "flat dyeing" method. I was particularly intrigued with the stenciling. Looking forward to seeing your results.

  2. Great to see what is being produced. I'm very envious of your group.
