
Saturday, May 30, 2015


Summer has arrived....and that means the Fiber Junkies will be getting messy for the next couple of monthly meetings.  The sun was shining, coffee was in hand....ready, set, go....
Some members were also doing disperse we had drying racks set up.....
 Here's Val, our gracious hostess and very talented screen printer with her extensive screen collection.
 Aren't we lucky??  Each of us has our own large table.
 After accumulating stacks of small, unrelated dyed/printed/painted pieces of fabric, I'm now determined to work in a narrower scope in order to create fabrics that coordinate better.
 As seen on this screen that's drying, my theme for the day was foliage.  
 Time passed quickly and pretty soon the driveway was covered with drying screens.
 After lunch and show and tell....we were ready to print.  The thickened dye paste is already spread onto my screen which is positioned on a length of fabric (previously prepared with soda ash.)
Sad to say.....this day yielded the worst deconstructed screen printing results I've ever had.  As you can's a mess. So I'm now in the process of smearing it with raspberry dye in hopes of perking it up.

Stay tuned, next I'll post some photos of the disappointments......and my analysis of what I think went wrong.


  1. Wow, Val has a perfect set up for her screen dyeing. And so generous to share it all!

  2. We all very much appreciate Val's generosity....not only her wet studio space.....but literally taking over her house....we mess the kitchen, dining area, deck, use bathrooms....we are lucky and we def. know it.

  3. Hmmmm...I don't think I'd be too discouraged with that print right away. I'm sure you have already washed it out, but I've seen some gorgeous understated prints lately and this one looks like it has the potential to become a beauty! Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  4. Hmmmmm I bet once your piece is rinsed out it will be fine!!! I saw you and your drying rack on Judi's blog.
