
Monday, April 13, 2015


Our April PTA (Professional Textile Artists) meeting was held at Gen's....she's pictured below.....  A limited number of members were able to attend, yet our show and tell was as inspiring as always.  
Gen has been sewing forever.....and she is skilled at every technique....really she is!  Her goal (like so many of us now) is to attack her vast stash and simply create with the materials at hand.  What's not to like about this outcome!!
She explained she's wanted to try this method for quite awhile....basically one selects a base fabric (in this case batik which is stabilized).  Lines of programed embroidery stitches are sewn vertically.  Spaces are left between, where hand embroidery has been added.
I liked everything about this piece.....especially the overall texture....which provided eye-candy without being too much.
Gen is also a member of a group I started years ago; Fiber Junkies. Our last meeting was spent microwave are her successes.  Great, yes??
We were thrilled that long time member Mary B. was able to join us.  She's been dealing with family health issues for quite some time so it was a genuine treat to see her.  

Of course she hasn't been idle......What an excellent reminder of how effective simple 9 patch blocks can be! 
Mary has also been spending time English Paper piecing.........
.......very impressive!!
Here's Mary (left) showing her English paper pieced hexi quilt.......
We are quilter''s in our DNA.  So what better way to display our sense of organizing 'pieces' than with Gen's fruit tray.  
We were treated to dessert as cream which everyone knows I adore.....topped with crunchy being a chocolate covered pretzel thin.  DO NOT purchase them if you find snack self control difficult!
Kate brought a gift from her ironing board cover.  Gen had one sometime ago that provided a 'reveal' when heated by the iron.  As we all stood there waiting to see how hot he really was....... well....nothing, absolutely nothing happened.  So, perhaps we had a dud?!?


  1. I always feel like I was part of your meeting when I read your posts!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. A really interesting meeting. What variety.
