
Saturday, March 28, 2015


So.......each day 'the husband' drags me along on what I call 'the forced march' as we attempt to maintain our health with a 75 minute walk, that incorporates four 1,000 feet elevation changes.  Some people actually like to take walks, even look forward to them.....NOT ME.....I'd rather be sewing.
 Yesterday we were delighted to see one lone peach tree blooming.  We've been watching the growth of this little gal for the last two years.  At first we thought it was a persimmon tree, but last year the fruit was large enough to identify it as a peach tree.
 Beautiful no?
I suspect there will be no fruit this year as this is the scene we woke to very early this morning.  I'm estimating we got between 3"-4". It's now 25 degrees,  and snowing horizontally due to the high winds we often get up in these mountains.

Because the daytime temperatures have been in the 50's & 60's.....the roads are only slightly snow covered....instead there's a layer of pure ice.  AND...that means NO walking for me....I will not risk a fall.  Oh...too bad....guess I'll just have to spend more time in the studio!!


  1. Yikes! That's quite a snowfall for late March. Then again, I was looking through my photos to see if I had any March snows recorded and sure enough - one similar to yours on March 26th 2008. And I'm guessing it won't be your last. We had another one that year in April.

  2. Our household is just the opposite, I love to walk and my husband hates it, but while my foot has me unable to, he gets to walk the dog!
