
Wednesday, January 7, 2015


This isn't the first felted bowl I've made....but it is the first using pre-felt batting.  And....I'm disappointed.

 I began by covering a round plastic resist with "pulls' of pre-felt batting.....working exactly the same steps as when working with roving.  It took ages for the fibers to felt......and it still could be worked further, but since I'm unhappy with the shape, thickness etc. I'm calling it done.  It's drying here.
My conclusion is that this particular pre-felt batting needs to be used in much thicker depths than what I expected.  So....I'll try again...and perhaps incorporate some roving (from another source) into mix and see if I can achieve better results.

UPDATE:  After more investigation.....I've learned there is a difference in pre-felt the ones I used do not require pulling apart and layering.......that aspect has been addressed during the making of the pre-felt.  Soooooo, perhaps that's why I've had so much trouble.....I should have used them as is.  Stay tuned.....I'm a determined wanna be wet felter!!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta keep those arm exercises up! HA...actually, the bowl looks good!
