
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Many bloggers use this time of the year to reflect upon the year that has passed and of course to look forward.  My 25+ years of travel teaching are now a memory....very good memories in fact, but hopefully just a spring board to what's ahead.

It's not necessary to offer a list of past or future here......instead....I'd like to wish you a very successful, healthy, and happy NEW YEAR! (OH...and GO PACKERS!)

And perhaps take time to do a little partying......

          PARTY ANIMALS  Mary Stori © 1996
46" X 46"
Hand appliqued, hand quilted, 3-D and mixed media embellished.
Private Collection - Prescott, AZ

Have you set goals for 2015?  Where will you be 12 months from now???


  1. Wow, your looking back is a quarter century of teaching and touching lives creatively and in other ways! Well done and all the best with the next chapters. Party Animals is fun.

  2. Happy New Year my friend! Just getting settled in for the winter!! Machine was dropped of at sewing center yesterday...keep your fingers crossed or this might be a very unhappy old lady if they can't fix it or it's too expensive to fix!
    Happy New Year
