
Friday, December 12, 2014


What with the holiday season in full swing and me fighting a BAD cold....I've been unusually quiet this week.  Nor, am I stitching as much as I'd like. 

I saw this cute fabric book idea on Sew How We Sew blog. My friend Judy and I have grandkids several months apart in age so we decided to pool our conversation print fabrics and make our own version. 

We made them larger to accommodate the fussy cut motifs we had.  Our patches were cut 2 1/4 square.  Let me warn you....this is NOT is typical for many of us....we under-estimate how long a project will take.  It's worth doing, but don't plan on getting it done in a day!

 We selected fabrics, two each for each book....fused the wrong side, and cut them out.
One piece was then fused to a felt background, the other to another piece of felt which was later cut out.
 Fabrics arranged, and fused to the felt base....machine stitched in a grid for better duribility.  
 Here's the 2nd set of fabric pieces, fused to felt, cut out and machine stitched.
The idea for the child is to match the pieces...turning the appropriate piece face down...indicating that one has been matched.
A second piece of felt becomes the cover (which hides and protects the stitching).  Rather than making a pouch as suggested in the tutorial linked above....I decided to add a pocket to the front of the book to hold the game pieces. It was personalized with our grandson's name. 

I'm linking to Nina-Marie's Off The Wall Friday, Sarah's Whoop, Whoop Friday, and Crazy Mom.


  1. Wow! What a great stash of fabric you have to come up with all those figures! And, what an incredible amount of work! Your grandchildren are very lucky! Hope that your cold is better.

  2. This is adorable! Fabric + book is just the ticket for me- love making them. But as one who seems to specialize in underestimating, you're right they are labor intensive. More than they look when done! But so worth it. Kiddos will enjoy these, and you made it more fun working as a team.

  3. Really nice idea! Get well soon!

  4. What a great use of time feeling yucky. And what a great project--just the right size pieces for little fingers!

  5. a good way to use these fabrics and makes learning a fun time for little ones too
