
Thursday, November 13, 2014


WOW......our show and tell this month was over the top.....that's pretty amazing since it's been barely 3 weeks since we last gathered.
 In keeping with the "birthday paper doll" theme....Val brought a delightful collection of clothing for this paper doll.  A round robin of sorts organized by some of her friends several years ago.
 This creative embellished wire dress really caught my eye.
 Kate has continued to be inspired by our recent play date where layers of house paint transformed previously completed (and maybe not entirely succesful) quilts.  I wish there was a before photo to share......but this 'after' is stunning enough to enjoy!

 Denny and Kate, who live close to each other in South Carolina, have been having fun experimenting with all sorts of techniques and materials.  Here is a piece'd NEVER guess.....toliet paper that has been painted!!
 This one also knocked my socks's Press & Seal plastic wrap which was used beneath fabric that was being painted (acting like a drop cloth) ........most impressive and unexpected results.
 Darn it....I can't remember what unusual fabric this was......maybe a paper towel.  Great design, yes???
 Judy undercovered an older silk painted & marbled piece of fabric.  It's so lovely.  Perhaps with a bit of quilting and framing this piece will be completed soon.
 Here's another one of Judy's pieces.  A screen printed center, surrounded by machine appliqued leaves.......which were samples from one of her workshops.  It's been mounted on a burlap covered canvas frame.
 We all LOVED this's one of Gen's creations from a previous Fiber Junkies painted shibori play date.
 And another shibori painted piece by Gen.
 It's nice to put a face to a's Val holding an amazing piece of microwave ice dyed fabric created by Denny.  You'll never believe's a cheapie workshop type towel from Home Depot!!'s Denny.....with a smaller started out white and through the magic of parfait/microwave ice dyeing it became a winner.
Does it get any better?  Hardly......we all enjoy our creative time month is our holiday gathering.  Tradition dictates that we use this time as a goal planning session for our 2015 monthly meetings.  You can review what the Fiber Junkies have done in 2014 by clicking on the label 'Fiber Junkies'.


  1. It's just endless the number of surfaces and techniques your group gets up to! I'm sure you all have quite a collection of wonderful pieces, with more to come.

  2. your group has once again come up with some lovely creative techniques, specially like the quilt that has been coloured with house paint
