
Friday, September 5, 2014


Like so many of us who blog regularly...perhaps you share the incentive (okay sometimes even self-induced pressure) to have new fiber projects to share.  No one wants to read whining from the author about how life outside of her creative pursuits keep that from happening.

Yet....that's been my reality lately.....oops....I wasn't going to say that!
But, today I'm happy to be able to share a piece, still in the works, that surprised me.
I specifically took out the painted fusible sections (created at our latest Fiber Junkies play day), since I'm anxious to work with them.  Also pulled from my now very organized over the door shoe rack were a piece of mottled hand dyed cotton, a small hunk leaf stamped with declourant, plus a few other options. 
After numerous trips back and forth to the became apparent.....the fabric was not allowing the use of the painted least for this project on this day.  Here's what it wanted to do instead.
 Okay....stop fighting and just do it.  Making use of every bit of the fabric.
This piece of commercial print fabric was over-dyed, then on the wrong side....painted and stamped.  I REALLY wanted to use it.
But the fabric gods gave a thumbs down on this too. So instead, I made some flat piping to help highlight the main panel from the border fabric.  I'm big on hand basting when precision is needed.  It takes only minutes and can lots of time in the end.
The bronze/gold of the printed leaves did not want to play with any of the 10+ pieces I auditioned for the border.  Then I remembered the 3 large boxes of Japanese inspired fabrics my friend Helen gave me.  YUP......I found the perfect compliment........totally not like my style but definitely right for this piece.

The line you see in the middle of this photo is some metallic thread I was checking against the background for the quilting. The leaves will be outline quilted with it....then?? I'm not sure yet.  Even though this isn't want I had in mind, just about made itself.  I don't do fast....but this project was put together very quickly, despite some stalled time in the decision process.  I don't expect the look will change all that much after it's complete....but I will post a picture when I am finished.

Be sure to check out what others are doing on:  Nina-Marie's Off The Wall Friday, and Whoop, Whoop Friday.


  1. Can tell from your words that you were not "in charge" on this one- the fabric had a mind of it's own. I love when that happens! You had some lovelies to choose from.

  2. I love it when a piece follows its own mind! Lovely leaves!

  3. Oh my gosh!!! This is beautiful!!! I loved the first few pics showing the brown/black but when you added that border! WOW!!!! Love it!!!!

  4. That's a fabulous piece! Good work listening to the fabric… Whoop whoop!

  5. you certainly persevered her until you got the piece looking beautiful, I take my hat off to you I would have thrown in the towel when it did not go right straight away, here you have shown it works in the end

  6. What a beautiful top and story behind the top. I look forward to see it finished!

    Love from Amsterdam


  7. So true, so true. How many hours have I wasted fighting with fabric that obviously knew better than I did! Lovely outcome even if this isn't your usual style.
