
Monday, September 22, 2014


I've held onto two vintage hand woven Kashmir Paisley Table Covers for years, envisioning a coat or jacket made from the fabric.  But of course in the end.....(a) I couldn't make myself cut them up (b) my interest in creating wearable art is waning.

The colors of the first one are bright....the second smaller one isn't faded, rather the colors are more muted.  Both are in need of small repairs....but there are no giant holes.

Prices for vintage paisley table covers are all over the map, obviously depending upon the quality and how badly someone wants to sell them.  So, I'm throwing this out to you all......if you know of a resource where I might be able to sell them I'd be grateful to hear from you.  Or if anyone has a need/want please make an offer.  I'm not out to make a killing here.....rather a desire to not store them anymore but see that someone will find a use for them.
#1 - 75" x72"
 #1 - closer view
 #1 - detail front
 #1 - back side - detail
 #1 - example of minor damage

#2 -  58" x 58"

#2 - Detail front
 #2 - backside - detail

#2 - example of damage


  1. My goodness...they are beautiful...pattern(s) are wonderful! I'm sure someone will grab these..or have you tried Craig's list or Ebay??

  2. I tried to email you by clicking on the above but it did not work. I also have a Kashmir Paisley.. Found it in my mothers things, it has several damaged areas.. I would also like to send it on somewhere, I have no idea of the value.. Thought I might use it in an alcove for meditation... had it cleaned but have not looked at it recently.
    let me know if you hear from anyone.

  3. This is Mary.....Craig's list around here is a non-starter...and if I don't get any leads via this post I will try ebay. Tx's Robbie.
