
Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Obviously, since I haven't posted in several days, you probably guessed I couldn't figure out how to do it via my phone.  Instead you'll be joining me on a virtual mini vacation.  

Any time we head to Wisconsin, I know I'm in for a unhealthy food fest...of course I could be more selective in my choices, but that never seems to happen.
This concrete chocolate malt from Culver's tops my yearning list.  The Culver's franchise is slowly making its way south.  So, now we don't have to wait until we get to Indiana to get or fix.....there's one in Richmond, KY.....a mere 4 hrs. from home. 
 I live on cheese, brats, and of course ice cream....after all, Wisconsin is the Dairy State.  Loved this descriptive sign in one our haunts in Sheboygan, WI.
Honestly, I debated whether I should share this with consider this your laugh for the day.  The back story:  We attend a number of car races throughout the year.....but the one that has THE BEST food is Road America in Elkhart Lake, WI.  We got there sooooo early one morning that there wasn't even a line at our favorite food by Saint John the Baptist Church as a fund raiser.  Every year, each and every day we are at this track, we indulge by having a very large ice cream cookie sandwich (did I mention it was LARGE...a two fister).  There's no pretending I won't have one, so this day I decided to get it over with so I could begin burning off the's 9:00 AM!!!!

Surely, if I stayed another couple of days, I'd look just like Mr. Bib....the Michelin mascot.  It was a lucky day for me.....our club had a drawing for a set of tires......and despite the odds since the crowd attending was so name got drawn.  This may not seem like a big deal....but if any of you have ever had to pay for high performance tires for a sports'll know why I say I was so lucky!
Thankfully, there's a hospitality tent hosted by our car club that we can use to get out of the sun.  I snapped this picture on another very early arrival day.  'The husband' is quite  enthusiastic about these  .....except for the food, not so much!
However, it's a beautiful location for a race.  This is road racing, a 4 mile road track....not an oval.  Many attendees camp, but many others like us are just day trippers.  I grew up in this area so it's a 'coming home' trip for me.

Yup....there's more to come tomorrow.....though you can hit delete if it doesn't interest you....I truly won't be offended!


  1. Oh my, what is it about the food on these trips that make us want to celebrate it? Ice cream cookie sandwich at 9 AM- well if it's the best way to get ahead of the lines, it works. The weather looks glorious, and your tire win is icing on the cake (since we're talking food). Enjoy the rest of your travels.

  2. Ah Road America! Too bad I wasn't along to help you with that icecream cookie... ;-)

  3. My grand kids and I ate at Culver' last week! I had chicke sandwich and it was great! Of course the kids had the "kids" meal so they could get ice cream! I passed on the concrete malt...but now I might not next time!!
