
Tuesday, August 26, 2014


So, while many of you were happily stitching away these last couple of days..... I was again being dragged to another car race.  This one was closer to home...only about 4.5 hrs. away but the track facilities can't compare to my favorite in Wisconsin. (if I had to pick one that is.) 
 We are Porsche fans......but lately haven't had much to cheer about.
The two long awaited for premier factory cars had nothing but trouble.  One (white) spun off the track in practice after hitting a oil slick left by another car.....followed by a Corvette that demolished one of our best hopes.  Worse yet, the accident broke our driver's arm.....he was to have surgery today.
The MOMENT the car got back to their began and continued all afternoon, all night and by about noon the next day it was ready to race again. The mechanics were like ants all over the car.  Unfortunately, neither of these two vehicles did well.......
 However other Porsche teams is Dr. McDreamy on the podium with his 3rd place win.  A BIG deal......this was a very hard fought race.
Yes....this is your eye candy........ (Patrick Dempsey of Grey's Anatomy)
And here's some eye candy and extra pounds on my hips......Amaretto cherry ice cream.....must I admit what time I had it?  Okay......11:05 AM.  But, when you know you are going to might as well get it over with and then walk around the track.....wracking up 5 miles on my Fitbit!

I sure am looking forward to staying home and getting at my projects again. I've got so many ideas whirling in the ole brain......


  1. Looks like a good weather day, but not your preferred results. A lot sure goes into this. The Fitbit is a great motivator after eating ice cream.

  2. Ice cream looks so good!!! Other than having a concrete mixer at Culver's yesterday with the grand kids...haven't had any in quite some time...yum!!!
