
Monday, August 18, 2014


The collapse of the storage wall system in the walk in closet used for my business can't be ignored anymore.  As long as half of the contents are now cluttering up the guest room, it's time to get repairs done.  And that means disposing of A LOT!

Piles of paperwork....old business, bank, credit card records are slowly being shredded.  (A time consuming but necessary task in this day and age!) 

There were no takers on my wearable giveaway offer, so I've begun cutting them apart.  Once I got into it.....the task wasn't as emotional as I thought it would be.  So...I expect this will take up most of my week.....creative projects are on hold till this mess is gone and I'll have gained a new closet!

 But, idle hands don't belong to I began to make a credit card case from commercially felted wool (National Nonwoven's product - Woolfelt 80/20 blend). Using the even count Peyote stitch around a mirror made for relaxing evening stitching.
Years ago I began developing beading techniques specifically to embellish the edges or binding areas of quilts.  They provide such a nice frame and finishing touch.  In this case....the beads are also part of the construction.....holding the  layers of woolfelt together.

Now I can separate the ever growing selection of cards into ones used frequently, such as credit or grocery loyalty cards, and those used less often like my library card.

Perhaps you might want to use your favorite technique and make one yourself?!?


  1. Functional and pretty- a great combo. I love the design you've added to the card holder. And don't we have more than enough of those with all the loyalty cards, credit cards, etc.? Your clean out is a daunting task, but you'll feel much lighter when it's completed. Good for you.

  2. Great idea! Wonderful take along or waiting room project!

  3. How nice!!! They'd make nice Christmas gifts too for family and friends...share a little of you with them!!!

  4. so you are having a tidy up, it amazing at what you will find, things you have long since forgotten you had if you are like me. I put my private papers into my composter, a good way to dispose of personal things and they soon disappear along with potato peelings etc

  5. I've invoked your name several times over on my blog. You and your dang cabochons! I love what you do with them so much. You have led me astray...possibly into ruin... ;-)

    And what a clever idea this little card holder is!
