
Thursday, August 28, 2014


After way too much time elapsing, away from fiber activities, I feel alive again!!!  Our August Fiber Junkies meeting is just what I needed.

The focus of this meeting was to be shibori, using textile paint....rather than dyes.
 We are an independent group.....using plain cotton fabrics as the base for shibori magic is not normal.  It's typical for each of us to utilize previous disappointing experiments.  Kate brought this fabulous marbleized cotton fabric....(as well as numerous other pieces) that brought howls from some of us who felt they were lovely as is.  Trading/sharing is a trait for this group and I was fortunate to go home with this unaltered piece.  Whining goes a long way with these generous gals.
 Kate's pile of fabric for potential shirbori treatment.
 If I'm not mistaken.....Judy saved this piece from further possible painting....considering it wonderful as is.
 Val....our hostess for every meeting this summer (we owe her big time) had prepared a piece of previously dyed fabric by wrapping it with string onto a piece of PVC piping.
 It was wrapped on the bias ......creating uneven pleats which yielded a striking design.
 Hummm.....I 'think' this one belonged to Judy......rubber bands secure the fabric to the PVC pipe.  The outer edges of the fabric will be painted with fabric paint using a foam brush.
 Denny....our newest member and biggest rebel (which we LOVE) began playing with mono printing plates and textured rollers.  Despite having a theme for the's rare for us to stick with it.
 The weather cooperated beautifully.....our projects dried quickly...allowing many more to be created in a short period of time.  
 Sigh.....aren't these wonderful???
 I've reported this so often......we ALL want to be next to Val's table to copy what she does.......since we can't manage that.....asking for her advice with color choices and design options is the next best thing.
 Here are some of Judy's.
 This is one of Gen's...the background in person was off-white.....making this a stunning usable piece.

My report continues tomorrow.....and it is linked to Off The Wall Friday, and Whoop, Whoop it's Friday


  1. Yet another fun inspirational get together. The "rescued" pieces were pretty awesome.

  2. Wow, it looks like you all had fun, and produced some stunning pieces of fabric.

  3. These pieces are wonderful. And I can imagine how hard you had to wheedle to get that marble piece and "save" it for use. It needed to shine on its own. What a great group.

  4. I,too, like to use paint instead of dye. Thanks for showing the results of shibori with paint. Looks good!

  5. Looks like a great group and a wonderful meeting!

  6. What fun! I've been meaning to to some shibori on my ice and snow dyed pieces. This may spur me on. I hope she didn't touch that gorgeous marbled fabric.

  7. OK, I am LOVIN' all of these pieces!!! How cool!!!! I see lots of great projects with each of them!!!!

  8. Wow, just gorgeous!!! I want to do this but I want someone else to clean up the mess. lol
