
Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Despite having a bad cold for the last week, I was able to finish up (slowly) a project I'd been working on.
 This small piece of ice-dyed felted wool had been talking to me for quite awhile.
 Some treasures; gifted sea glass, and a parking lot rusted metal do-dad find were the intended embellishment focal pieces.
 However, they will have to wait for another project.....I just couldn't come up with a way to feature them properly.  Instead, silhouettes of free-spirited plants kept coming to mind.  So out came the embroidery floss for numerous very pleasant evenings of stitching. The result is below:

SUNSET SILHOUETTE    12.25" X 7.25"
Ice-dyed felted wool, hand embroidered, bead embellished.


  1. Gosh - what a good call to leave this as silhouette. Yum!

  2. How you can take a lovely piece of fabric and turn it into a spectacular piece of art!! Love this!!!

  3. Once again you've made the perfect choice. I'm glad you didn't "force" your pieces together but just let things flow.

  4. You've inspired me to use my snow-dyed fabric from last winter. What a beautiful piece you've created!

  5. Beautiful. The dyed background reminds me of a winter sunset.

  6. Beautiful. The dyed background reminds me of a winter sunset.

  7. this is lovely as always. As I have had some persistently annoying if not super serious health issues for 6 weeks - I feel your pain. Before now I had no idea how hard it was to create when you're feeling lousy. I have new respect for ladies who create during major health crisis!

  8. Sunset silhouette is lovely. I'm sure the glass pieces' day will come.
