
Monday, July 14, 2014


A dear friend broke her!!!  It's exactly how I broke mine years ago...down to blaming it on cob webs!!  I sent her a little get well package with numerous goodies.  Among them were some note cards decorated with paper fabric.

I've blogged about this a couple of times so I won't go into details except to say for newcomers's created by attaching torn paper (tissue/newpaper/advertising/old book pages) to a piece of fabric with thinned white glue.  Once dried it can be cut up and used in a variety of manners.
 In my organizing frenzy of late I found a stack of paper and other decorated fabrics that I'd put away.  So...with my current project still stalled as I continue to work out design issues, I pulled them out.
 Gathered my blank cards and envelopes....
 And started cutting pieces to be stitched to the card stock by machine.
This one isn't paper fabric...rather it's fabric that was stamped using transparent modeling's actually quite cool in person.  The machine stitching was challenging.  The stencil was large, round, without much unaltered fabric to stitch on.  Click on the image....perhaps you can get a better idea of the interesting fabric.  

 Here's another that's not paper fabric.  It's made by trapping silk threads, roving etc. to a colorful sheer using matte medium.

All in all I made 28 cards.....which is all the card stock I had.  Now I have a stack of cards to use myself or as gifts.  What a nice day!!!


  1. These look wonderful! I love making paper fabric and stitching on paper. I learned a new term- it's called coudre papier for the French paper stitching. Sounds classy, doesn't it? I love working with paper, card making and journals between quilting projects, too. Stop over at my blog and see my latest efforts in mail art if you get a chance. Housecleaning is hazardous- it must stop. (

  2. A good reason not to clean house! I haven't done paper fabric in a long time, this post made me realize I could do some to use up some of my very large collection of scraps.

  3. Makes for a nice break to do something almost crafty like this. Great way to use up bits and pieces. I should follow your lead...

  4. Great idea!!! I really enjoyed Nancy's comment!! So nice to receive a personal card too...your friends and family will certainly appreciate them!!

  5. some creative cards here, and sure to be appreciated when you mail them to friends
