
Thursday, July 24, 2014


It's not coming together well.....abstract art is difficult for me.  In fact, I've suggested over and over and over in my lectures and workshops for students to select a theme or subject when first wading into creating 'one-of-a-kind' pieces.

I tend to have way toooo many ideas bouncing around in my head like a pin ball machine.  By narrowing down the subject, it's easier for me to proceed.  Why am I telling you this??  Because in my mind, I've already decided this 'subject' would be 'lightening'.
 I began auditioning ideas on the full size piece of fabric.....then I realized the scale needed to be more exact for this process.  Folding the excess borders to the back helped.
 But, the first scattering of beads above certainly wasn't 'lightening' like. Here I used some steel bugle beads.  After reviewing it again and again....I'm thinking it's not quite right......

......Maybe the bugle beads are too strong......auditioning seed beads didn't really solve the design issue.  This is just part of the process.......I'm not upset or frustrated by all this will come, I just need to give it time.


  1. Maybe long stitches with a metallic thread mixed in, and bugle beads here and there. It's a fascinating challenge!

  2. I think the theme of 'lightening' is perfect for this piece!!! Good luck! We/I know it will be wonderful!

  3. Well now that it's underway, it may take you an entirely new direction. But it's looking pretty good to me.
