
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

USA 2 - GHANA - 1

Many Americans, here and across the world, were holding their collective breaths as we watched and waited for the last 5 minutes of the United State's first match to end tonight in Brazil at the World Cup.

In case you aren't a soccer fan......this was a bit of a revenge game as Ghana has beaten the US in their last two attempts to advance in the World Cup, which is held every four years.

 US goalie saving a sure goal....what a ballet!!!
 One of our best went out with a game ending injury.....will he be able to play on Sunday??  Fingers crossed.
 This isn't about guys running around in shorts and long socks....truly this can be a brutal game.......not for sissies. Unlike football, they wear very little protection.

Winning goal.....a beautiful, picture perfect header!!!


  1. I guess you didn't see The Netherlands-Spain? 6 - 1 Joehoe!

  2. I'm not a big soccer fan but did watch this game...very exciting and great to see our guys win!

  3. Congrats to them!!! "Do you believe in miracles?"... Would be nice to hear that again!
