
Sunday, June 22, 2014


 Do you find it's like Christmas morning when examining fabrics after all the dye has washed out?? My plan was to wait and share the results when my buddies bring theirs next month to show and tell...BUT...I'm pumped and can't wait.

My original idea this time was to work in blues.  My screens are on the fairly small size, resulting in small pieces that never seem to be quite enough to complete a project.  AND...they never seem to go with each other either as I jump from one color choice to another like a kid in a candy store.
Well....I decided to use some pale yellow silk I love the texture that fabric brings to my work.  This was bright blue dye, but turned a pale teal on my fabric.  Not what I expected....but of course if I'd had thought about the fact I wasn't using WHITE.....hummmmm.
 Here I used silk noil that printed badly. I rescreened it using a color that is now was shade of blue, but apparently it didn't want to remain blue either.
 Silk noil....the big blob in the upper right corner was where plastic stuck to the screen as it was drying....sigh.  The first screening never releases much dye....add the bumpy texture of silk noil =  this piece was practically naked, with only a small amount of blue that printed.  So, I went back over it with a foam brush with some orange looks more gold here, but it's ORANGE.  It will take some thinking to figure out how to use it.
 Silk noil - 2nd printing....but again I had to add another color to make it interesting.
Same here.....though I didn't get the blues I was looking for...I'm never-the- less happy with my prints.  It will challenge me to take another path....
 This was a piece of cotton that was placed on the resist material (after printing onto the screen) Denny suggested using up the extra dye by reverse stamping (I guess that's what you might call it.)  Isn't this surprising how much dye remained??
 Kate brought a new color for us....can't recall the exact name but it was a light gray.  Greens and grays were never in my palette box....but DIL loves them....and I find myself drawn to their beauty now myself.  

Unfortunately, it printed very light....too lightly so I went back over it with a thinned down Loden green.....
And finally, I found this bit of gauze in the bottom of a wash out bucket when I was changing the belonged to Judy....but happily, now it's mine.  Thank you Judy....

We already have our date to meet next month and are finalizing what technique we will come back and visit again....but I hope you won't wait till the middle of July to stop by!

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