
Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Another project workshop at the Alabama Quilt Symposium focused on making a bead embellished scissors sheath. (Which could also be used as an eye glass case.)  Among the various techniques taught, students learned to do the flat peyote stitch to attach the decorative mirrors.

Again, I have to praise the participants.......their skill levels were high and they were very eager to learn.  Lorrie went off the grid and made a needle case!!  Nearly everyone was 100% finished at the end of the class.....though I was snapping pictures early to be sure I got most of them before they headed for home on this last day of the symposium.

This trip was such a pleasure....from beginning to end.....loved the students...each and every one was great to work with.  I may have to reconsider retirement!!!


  1. Please reconsider! You can always pick and choose and limit! Maybe just one more class--somewhere I can get to!!!! This last trip looked like a very good time for you. Glad it went well.

  2. Your students all look so happy!!! As does their work!!! I've said it before, that's a reflection to you the teacher!! Accomplishments and happy students....
