
Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Here's a peak at Fiber Junkie member Denny's amazing studio where we met this month.  Her organizing ideas may just be what you need to keep your supplies at hand too.
 Smart, smart idea......she's taken wire shelving, hung them vertically from the top edge of her biofold closet doors.  Now Denny has her hand made fabrics visible and ready to use!
 These wire metal storage towers contain drawers for her vast collection of thread.
 Here's a wider version of over the door storage rungs for special fabrics...this one is made from wood and serves the same purpose....storing, yet allowing the fabric to be seen for further inspiration.
 Though this photo shows only one wall filled with tall heavy duty wire shelving units, it wasn't the only one she had!  Notice the containers are clear plastic making it easier to see the contents, plus they are also labeled. 
 I stopped counting at about 4 design walls!  Most were BIG since Denny often works in a large scale.
 I also lost count of how many rooms she commands.  This one was her sketching/drawing space....with copy machines, Thermofax, etc.
 This is her wet studio....I'd guess the space as at least 15' square or larger.  Every square inch was filled.
 The garage holds more....isn't this a clever way to store those huge rolls of batting?
 Denny is such a talented technique or task is beyond her capabilities.....this tool wall with work bench is hers.....not the man of the house!
 Her sewing machines can be found in yet another large, (very large) room.
This is an example of her ability to think out of the box.  She has drop ceilings which aren't compatible with the clamp system many quilters use to hold quilts off the table during the quilting process.  Instead, she bought several metal bird feeder holders that are clamped to her table.  With bungee cords and clamps, she's able to raise the quilt, thus reducing the weight that can often make a quilt drag during the quilting process.
It may seem impossible, but she's set up simple book cases for storage in every nook and cranny.  This one was located in a little used large bathroom.

With all you've seen, don't misunderstand.  Denny isn't a hoarder.  She knows where everything is, everything is organized, and most importantly, she utilizes all her supplies.  Again, visiting her house is like walking into a commercial art studio....and aren't we...the members of Fiber Junkies..... lucky to have Denny as our newest member!


  1. How far would it be from my house to yours so I could visit.... she could maybe charge entrance just so we could soak up
    Non sewing/art friends think I am a hoarder... but I know where almost everything is and I do find it most often.
    thank you for share and Denny. Great inspiration!

  2. Your friend has more than a shop!! so many goodies and she is so organised, lots of good tips for storing etc here
