
Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Occasionally, the Fiber Junkies take a trek to the South Carolina border off I26 to visit a fabric warehouse, which I've blogged about several times. We call it dumpster it is in a dark, messy warehouse, filled with bins and boxes full of fabric.  
 We will be going again at the end of the month....and that reminded me about a bunch of zippers I purchased on our last visit.  There was no plan for their use when they jumped in my basket.....but now I have one.
Zipper flowers.....I've seen some really interesting examples online...most made with metal teeth zippers.  However, I only have plastic so let's see how they will work.
Step one.....take it apart....and run some basting stitching along the edge.

 Gather the zipper tape and form into a flower.......
.....Tack in place and add some beads, leaves, and hand!!!  Perhaps I'll make more......


  1. I haven't particularly cared for any of the zipper ideas I've seen but this is kinda cute. I think it would not have worked as well with metal teeth. those little balls on the ends give a 60s feel & the beading classes it up.

  2. Your flower is perfect!! If you want to see an artist use zippers, check out Zip-It...she lives in my home town and uses re-purposed zippers for her art work...amazing work!!!!

  3. never seen this done before, very unusual
