
Friday, April 4, 2014


There's not been a lot to show this week....just peaks at some of the projects I've been working on....none completed as yet.  For me, it's difficult to really dig into something when I know I'll be leaving to teach in a few days.  Though I've packed for these trips, what seems like a million times, I still follow a check list to be sure everything I need is with me!  Multi-tasking is not as easy as it once was!! 
After putting the cabochon embellished wool piece aside (blogged about earlier this week), my attention turned to a larger project.  While looking for something else, I uncovered a whole yard of dyed green/yellow cotton fabric.

 ..which gave me an idea.....I started with this panel....
 ...In my mind I saw smaller flower blocks of varying sizes to complete the overall design.  BUT...that's not what happened.....
I talked myself out of having one lost leaf on the far right block....and instead positioned 4 as shown in this photo.  Now that I see both first idea was more interesting.

For now, this will be another piece waiting for further design inspirations. I doubt I'll do alot more to it because I truly like simple graphic designs.  Surprisingly, so far there's no hand work planned. 

This piece is intended for my upcoming exhibit at the NC Arboretum featuring nature themes.  The pieces must be for sale and from past experience I know that prices need to be on the low side for this venue. So, I'm trying to keep down the time I commit to work that is featured there, yet still develop eye-catching appealing art.

I'm linking to Nina-Maries "Off The Wall Friday" stop by to get inspired by all the talented artists!   Whoop Whoop Fridays is another site to get your creative juices flowing.


  1. I love the flowers! They will turn out very nice.

  2. What a great use for a bright fabric. I love this design just as it is!

  3. Ah, yes! That lime-ish green fabric can always be inspiring. They are such happy flowers, but the dropped petal does add a bit of complexity.

  4. the flowers look so good on your dyed fabric

  5. that should sell it's just so happy.
    Different from your usual...
    LeeAnna Paylor

  6. That bright fabric makes such a great background for the flowers!

  7. Th e best part of design and most frustrating sometimes, is the "but, that's not what happened..." Made me smile this morning!

  8. One cannot have enough of that background fabric! And I love it being connected with the black and white. This is a very happy piece.
