
Monday, April 14, 2014


After my happy dance, finding the solution to my poor lighting problem while stitching on my machine......the very next day my floor lamp in our great room literally fell apart.  

I've been spending hours and hours and hours online trying to find a replacement. Really, I've done very little for the last couple days after embarking on this mission!

Our open great room (with a high beamed ceiling) allows for only one placement of our furniture. I hand stitch sitting on our denim couch, with a floor lamp centered behind the sofa, over my left shoulder.  The problem is that our couch is very deep....meaning the lamp needs to have a very long arm (no less than 22") ...with a min. of a 100 watt bulb.  

 98% of the lamps look like this....short reach and a 60 watt bulb!
OR GIANT super expensive ones like this......
All my hand stitching is done at night......projects are piling up....cause I can't see and yes, I'm getting grumpy.  I'm sure the issue will be solved....just not fast enough for me.  

Have you faced similar problems?  How have you solved it?


  1. I bought an Ott floor lamp something like this one:
    It may not bend down low enough for you but they have lots of different versions now. The light in them is nice and bright an Ott! Also check what Joann's has to offer - lots of choices:

    I also sometimes use the table version that is somewhat portable, depending on where I'm sitting. Of course, there are many versions of this now too.

    Don't know if this helps but good luck. I've been adding daylight bulbs in various types of lamps for years now and there always seems to be need for more!

  2. do hope you find a suitable lamp, I have a tall one that has a little one on too that swivels round, but that is in the lounge which I never use, I live in the kitchen where I have a double daylight florescent tube, does not look very nice but suits my purpose

  3. Believe me....I've looked EVERYWHERE......the big, big issue is finding one that has an arm long enough. Most of the lights, including the new ott designs aren't even close. If only I could use a table one....there are tons of those available. Still grumbling.......

  4. I have the same problem and the Ott Lites always got too warm for me after a couple hours. I found what to me is the perfect solution! They're called Stella lights, got them on amazon. The brightness of these lamps are incredible! Even brighter than Ott Lites. And the best part, they don't get warm! They're quite expensive but well worth it to me! I now have two floor lamps a desk model and have the clamp on one for next to my sewing machine, they really are amazing!!

  5. Thank you Patti.....I'll check that brand out!!
    I wasn't able to respond to you personally as you are listed as a 'no reply blogger'........

  6. I use my desk ott light and hold between my legs! Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do!!!

  7. Our summer cabin does not have electricity and we use head lamps to cook by at night! Try it...
