
Sunday, March 16, 2014


Of course the purpose of the retreat (besides the obvious giggles, food, and fun we have) is to gain some uninterrupted time to stitch.
 Kate always makes three times as many pieces as the rest of us....she's an amazingly fast and accurate sewer.  This is a view of her not quite assembled trip around the world quilt, using PTA member - Georgia Bonesteel's many shortcuts for this challenging pattern.
 There was time for some to get a knitting lesson.
 Gen made this small wall hanging.....which I totally covet!!!
 Judy Simmons also worked on two projects....we all loved these soft colors and beautifully combined prints.
 The facility we rent even provides irons!  We all LOVED this one....a cheapo.  It was light weight, but oh my gosh did it put out the steam. The name is  "Continental" steam iron.....made in China - for about $10.00.  How long will it last?  Probably as long as the $25-50 ones I throw out after 6 months! I long ago gave up spending $100+ on an iron!  I've ordered one and will try to remember to post about it again in the future.
Leigh Anne also did two is her darling cat quilt in progress.

Given my rapt attention to the 110 block quilt I was piecing, I sort of fell down on the job of photo taking....but jump over here to see Judy's post which shows more quilts.

A fun time was had by all......such as seemingly trite saying but it's so true!


  1. Yes, you are lucky to be surrounded by such great ladies! And they are as well to have you around!

  2. some lovely pieces, think I liked Judy`s with the soft colours best. I use an iron I have had for years, it is not even a setam one, well to be honest I have 3 of them as they are discontinued.
