
Thursday, March 6, 2014


Last month after teaching at the AQS Quilt Show in Phoenix, I hung around for a few days to join several friends at our 3rd. annual 'Art Camp'.  I blogged about it here where I explained the process of creating paper fabric.

 Now these pieces are home with me and it's time to create.  The first thing that was required was to press the designs flat.  I sandwiched each piece individually between tissue paper....thinking that might protect the iron's sole plate and the pressing surface.  Ultimately, I ended up removing it and with the aid of steam....managed to get some nice flat pieces.  

Yes, I had to clean the iron...really it wasn't as bad as I expected. But since the paper is adhered with glue, it made sense to remove any reside to avoid staining a future piece of fabric. I saw no evidence of staining on my pressing mat.
 This is the fabric side of my 'paper', prior to pressing.
With the aid of a decorative blade on my rotary cutter, card stock cut and folded to the appropriate size to fit blank envelopes, I set about making notecards.  A light mist of adhesive spray was used on the wrong side of the fabric to temporarily position it onto the prepared card stock. (Normally, I avoid this product as I find it messy and frankly....because of some health concerns.)

The final step was to stitch the fabric to the notecard..... TA DA.....  


  1. Oh, notecards! Brilliant use for these. As a teenager, I made lots of my own stationary and notecards, glueing fussycut designs from fabric onto the paper. Later I bought kits for embroidery and crosstitch designs to be mounted in cards - did a lot of those for Christmas cards. Some of my marbling experiments done on small bits of fabric also ended up in notecard - the ones marketed for photos. But I never think to use any of my current experimenting to make my own notecards anymore. You are not the first this week to remind me of that. Maybe it's a sign!

  2. Good use for the paper fabric!!

  3. what a good way to use these pieces, so often things like this can end up in the UFO drawer but no you have found an excellent way to use them
