
Monday, March 10, 2014


 Image transfer is a technique that is popping up in more and more art quilts.  It's one that I've had little experience with, mainly because I haven't found that it fits into my work very well.

Secondly, I'm not very computer savvy.  I'll admit Photoshop is on my computer, but frustration sets in quickly when I attempt to use it.  
However, this darling photo of our grandson and the desire to have a small portrait of him on my desk, gave me the determination to give Photoshop manipulation another try.
My friend Judy often uses images that she prints on her home computer in her beautiful work.  She suggested using a 'line drawing' filter which she has in Photoshop Elements.  Unfortunately, my full version of Photoshop doesn't have that option, so after cropping and cleaning up the background (which seriously took me longer than I wish to admit...with a few full blown hissy fits), I used 'graphite pencil' option to alter the image.
It's been printed onto a tea-dyed looking piece of muslin. Antique Kimono fabric, that the kids brought back from Japan for me years ago, borders the image.  It's mounted on a 5" x 7" canvas frame.  I'm on the lookout for a sturdy small stand to place it on....  

For all of you techy's...this accomplishment might not seem so major, but for me it was.  Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks!

I'll be silent till the end of the week as I'm heading off early tomorrow for our 6th annual PTA (Professional Textile Artists) retreat.  There will be lots to share when I return.....


  1. I am impressed. What people never reveal is how much time it really takes to clean up backgrounds & mess with filters. only if you've spent time systematically learning the program & use it frequently to retain the knowledge do you become efficient. Well done!

  2. This turned out great!!! Love it...have fun! Like I need to tell you that!!

  3. way above my head how you did this but it has come out a treat. Have a good time at your retreat, I am sure it will be great fun too
