
Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I'm back from my teaching trip with wonderful memories of new friends.  Seriously, kuddos my hostesses and friendly students were outstanding. I was treated so was difficult to pack up and head home.

The executive board of the Fan-Tastic Quilters Guild in Crossville, TN is now my 'dream team'. they know how to run a guild meeting!!  For those of you have attended a guild probably understand what I'm referring endless slow shuffling of committee members to the front of the room to make their slow and unnecessarily long reports.  This no nonsense group keeps everything short and sweet.  Don't misunderstand me, the information is there.....but ONLY the necessary information is conveyed.  This group needs a shout out too for how many charitable projects they organize...FAN-TASTIC!!
 I loved this idea...... Each month a cupcake stand is filled with artistically arranged fabric in paper cups, complete with a candle, for members to select for their birthday. 
It's only one of the many clever ways the guild acknowledges their members.  No wonder when the co-presidents asked for volunteers for a couple of committees....hands popped up all over the room!!!

Thank you everyone, and especially Janice for making my visit so special.


  1. Mary....what a great idea to have a cupcake tree for fabric...thanks for sharing...looks like a Fan-tastic guild!

  2. So glad you had a good workshop! Guild sounds so interesting...I did a lecture at one guild and during the business meeting they use a bicycle horn if folks were talking! I thought that was so cool!! Cupcakes w/fabric is great idea!!
