
Wednesday, February 12, 2014


After teaching at the AQS show in Phoenix, I headed about an hour West for the Third Annual Girlfriend Art Camp, held at a friend's home.  What a great way to wind down after a busy couple of days of workshops and lectures.

I blogged about our 2013 'art camp' here.  We challenged ourselves to create and bring a piece of art using the fabric/felted wool we made last year.
 This is Nan's piece......I love the architecture she incorporated....
 I made this small wall piece for Nan to hang in her studio as a thank you for allowing us to invade her snow bird home for the 3rd time.
 Sue (who came all the way from Minnesota) got really creative.  She made zippered bags as our gifts using the fabric she painted. 
 How clever to also include beads AND one of the felted wool balls we made.
We had a local resident guest join us this year.....Gwen surprised us with these thread catcher gifts she made.  What a fabulous group of women!!!
 Nan's show and tell is worthy for all to see......she made T-shirt quilts for her two boys.  Now, I've seen many T-shirt quilts but these are very special.  You can see how much time she put into achieving an interesting/pleasing layout...rather than just stitching numerous big blocks together.
 I love how she incorporated other memories such as patches and even pockets from a boy scout uniform!
What a fabulous gift she's created for her sons......

Next I'll share our 2014 'art project'.....come back and visit...won't you?? 


  1. What a wonderful idea to have a girlfriend art camp. It looks like you had a great time with some lovely art to take home and remember it by. I love the thread catchers.
    Hilary Florence

  2. Love hearing & seeing about your get-aways!!!

  3. lots to see here today, I have a few of the thread catchers but need to make them bigger
