
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


While many bloggers have posted lists and photos of their 2013 accomplishments, which are a joy to read, I'm not a looking back kinda gal. There's merit in that journey, but I tend to always be on fast forward.

For the last 25+ years of my career in the quilting industry, I've devoted nearly a week or more just after the holidays stock piling beading kits for my various workshops.  So perhaps I am getting a bit nostalgic and looking back after all!
 Each of my workshops that require kits has it's own storage bin....containing a packing list and all the supplies necessary for the kits.  I work in an assembly line fashion....counting out each item before packing them.  
That way....if I have a spool of thread leftover...I know it didn't get put properly in its bag.  Fool proof?? Usually...but I always carry spares, just in case!

My first trip in 2014 will be to the new AQS show in Phoenix at the beginning of February.  I'm especially excited to be teaching one of my favorite methods...the peyote stitch.  It looks so difficult but really isn't, though like most things in life....anything worth doing is worth doing it does take a bit of time.  

If you are planning to attend the show.....consider joining me for this informative and fun here to learn more.  Of course I'll be teaching other classes and presenting a lecture as well.  Be sure to stop by and say hello.


  1. I would love to take a class from you!!!!! We still need to get you to Florida sometime so Kay & I can visit with you.

  2. Mary is a wonderful teacher. Don't miss your chance to take a class from her.

  3. When are you coming to NY again? I miss you!!!

  4. It's Mary here....thank you Sharon for your kind words.....and Helen for your nice comments on your blog. And to Helen.....sorry, I have two East Coast trips but not to NY....and then at the end of 2014...I will be saying farewell to teaching....with lots of fond memories to last a lifetime!!
