
Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The plan for today's email was to share a completed project....but....yikes.....I had an 'on the job' injury yesterday.  After 30 years of using a rotary cutter, fortunately only a few nicks have occurred.

Not so blade, new cutting mat....and zip.....a huge gouge in my finger.  Gross as this looks, it's the 3rd. covering and finally I think it has stopped bleeding.
Sewing will be unlikely for me today, and maybe even too hazardous should I try to finish my leaf project.  Dang....  

Instead I'll try to tap away on these keys early tomorrow to share a different just completed piece (pre-injury).

Yes....oh yes...this could have been much worse as I was moving with great haste and enthusiasm when this happened!  Be safe out there yourselves!!


  1. Ouch! What a way to mess up a good sewing day, hope it heals quickly.

  2. Super glue! Pharmacist told my daughter this when she sliced her finger in a bagel cutter and when I cut mine badly on rotary cutter a few years go. clean wound well, dry then apply super glue. Burns a little but works great!!!

  3. Mary here.... Super glue...yikes.... I'm not sure I could do that! But the good news is that the finger is much better today...I'm going to live!

  4. hope this heals quickly and you will soon back to sewing and no more accidents with the cutter. Reading the tip about super glue, of course they use it in hospitals, will bare it in mind for if or maybe when I cut myself
