
Tuesday, November 12, 2013


My this is sure slow going......I first blogged about this project back in mid. October here, never considering how long the process would take me.  Of course, I've been away from home numerous times so my attention to the project has been limited......and I have a few other pieces in the works as well.

Since I like to have handwork for the evenings......I'm not upset that it's taking so long....  What about you?  Do you yearn for projects that take a lot of time or are you a 'get-er done' kinda quilter?



  1. It looks like lots of wonderful stitching...can't wait to see it in person....

  2. Oh LOVE to have a project on the go that is "slow"....sometimes you want and need to work quickly but it is always nice to have a project you can savour

  3. A nice piece, Mary!!! Very nice...I just love having different types of work to do...machine, hand, name it. That way I can pick and choose!!!

  4. This is a lovely piece. I love to have some hand stitching on the go, have a set of hardanger mats I am doing for my younger daughter, at least I should be doing! See you use the same frame as me, find it much easier than a hoop to work with

  5. Mary here.....FYI...I've been advocating the use of PVC frames (rather than hoops) because the fabric can be secured 'on grain', and tension adjustments are a snap!

  6. Some projects just cry out to be savored, so much of the enjoyment being tied to process not outcome. For me it has generally been intense hand-quilting on a piece that has been so enjoyable to watch and soothing to do that has made me wish it would not end. But then there are other projects - you know the ones - that never seem to end even though you are sick and tired of them! When you find a savoring one, I say do not rush!

  7. I'm both, depends on the project. I really like having something to pick up and work on while the tv is on in the evenings.

  8. Mary, I love all the hand work. I had to enlarge the photo to get the benefit of the beautiful stitches.

    I like both types of projects. Often it depends on the importance to me of the project. When the piece if really important to me I spend lots more time. Some of that time is just think the process through.

  9. Wow! what amazing work you are doing! I can imagine that is is very time consuming. What is your favorite part of the process?

  10. It's Mary here...Shanna asked what's my favorite part of the process...... It is and always has been.....the embellishing portion of any project!!

  11. Love this project! I bet it is a very relaxing process.

  12. Well I like a handwork project. I feel kind of sad actually when some longstanding projects done slowly by hand are finished, as if there weren't more in the wings.
    LeeAnna Paylor
