
Saturday, November 2, 2013


Now on the San Francisco tour.....we head to the office building where our son works.
I know it's in a brand new building, across from the water and near a new hospital complex...but exactly where.....I haven't a clue. I freely admit I'm directionally challenged!  But I did pay attention to the details of this HUGE 2 floor complex.  The decor was amazing....just look at this handmade table in the lobby.
And how about this???  Air plants hanging on wire, weighted with what looked like metal fishing weights....very cool.
It's like no office I've ever seen.  There are no private offices....not even for the founders (CEO/CFO).  Instead, there are rows and rows of tall work stations.
The carpeted floor is a raised surface and below are miles of cables for all the techy stuff.  These grate like covers can be removed to access the wiring.
Clocks keep track of the time in various parts of the world and the typical white board is replaced by something that works the same but appears to be wood.
Raiden (the grandson) knows right where to of the numerous mini 7-Elevens that are located on every floor.  They are self service with just about anything you can think of and all supplied by the company.  And if that's not enough, employees have access to a fully catered lunch room besides!
Yup....more self-service goodies for the hard working employees.
Everywhere I looked I saw art, disguised as furniture.....
 One of the many lounge pits.....perhaps the employees come here to take a nap??
 Yes, that's a bike you see in this photo....did I mention this place is huge?  Free-standing yurts can be used for meetings/brain storming sessions.
Each was decorated differently and stylishly.

Does this have your head spinning???  Truthfully, I've never given much thought to what offices look like or how they function. My world is so removed from that environment.  Perhaps yours is too, but hopefully you've found this interesting.  Well....there's more......check back tomorrow for the conclusion of my travel blog.


  1. What a cool place to work!!!!! Wonderful!!! I worked in IT and it would have been great to have this type of work station...although, don't know how I would have done team appraisals without feeling someone was looking over my shoulder!! he he

  2. offices certainly have changed since I was a working girl. This is the kind of place you would be happy to go to work in. I do wonder how noisy it is though in that massive office with all the machinery etc

  3. Margaret had a good point....concentration in that type of environment might be challenging for those of us who haven't grown up with the constant stimulation of Sesame Street and video games!!
