
Tuesday, November 26, 2013


After seeing the high prices of felted bowls in galleries and shops, I decided to try to create one myself.  Up to this point, making vessels of any sort from wool has not entered my wheel house....BUT....perhaps now it might.
 This actually was a fast way to make one. I started with commercial wool, fusing layers together to provide more strength.
 As you can see dividing the circle into sections and stitching in a pleat where each met, a casual shape emerged.
 That's all the farther I had gotten on this project when our group, The Fiber Junkies, met at my house the other day.  They suggested I add a base to provide more support.  Of course making a template at this point (since I am as mathematically challenged as I am directionally)....was a head scratcher!
 The addition was a positive step, but leaving it so 'plain jane' didn't feel right....
A few circles here and there were a fun addition.  Hopefully the design will continue to be appealing when the bowl is filled with???  What???  Shiny apples or oranges would be lovely, don't you think??  Or perhaps it could be a catch all on a hallway table for car keys etc.
This will be a very busy holiday before I forget....I'm adding a link to Nina- Marie's "Off The Wall Friday".......perhaps she will forgo her weekly connection this week, but do hop over to visit other like minded artists each Friday.


  1. What a fun bowl! And a great 'catcher' for something! Happy Thanksgiving my friend...a busy week for all 'mom's and grandma's' right!

  2. this has worked very well, is it wet felting or did you use an embellishing machine to create the fabric?

  3. It's Mary answer to Margaret's question whether I wet felted or used an embellisher to create the fabric.....neither....this is commerical fabric, manufactured by National Nonwovens. I make my own many time of course but this ready made product is wonderful......and it's what got me interested in using felted wool!

  4. Did this start as the big hexagon?!
    I love a hexie, and this just goes to show they are unlimited in their abilities!! Go hexies!

    I love the whimsy created by the dots. It was too serious before. What else can you add to make it more you? I think it would be just the thing for a front hallway, not heavy apples where it might be hidden. It's got to stand as a sculpture! Very interesting.
    LeeAnna Paylor

  5. The bowl makes me smile. With DH setting up our Christmas tree as I blog away, I can't help but think the bowl would look stunning as a Christmas decoration, perhaps table center piece filled with ornaments.

  6. Oh, Mary, your felted bowl is really adorable! It's so you!

    But any time you want to wander up to PA, I'll teach you how to make the kind you crochet, like this one: which is crocheted, or this one: which is knitted. Both sets of bowls were made by one of the girls at my shop, and they are easy. The key is color, and you certainly have that down-pat! (Seriously, we'd love to see you if you ever get in this neck of the woods!)
