
Sunday, November 10, 2013


Years of constant airline travel earned me plenty of immunity to the perils of germs.  But, oh my......I purposely eliminated most teaching air travel about two years ago and now paid the price!

After returning from my recent trip to visit the grandchild (oh ya....our son and DIL too).....I came down with a major cold/cough.  Bad enough to postpone my daily "forced marches' directed by 'the husband' for several days.

So, while I was recuperating, the leaves were falling.  I got back on the trail yesterday and was stunned by what felt like an overnight change.  The temps. now are in the 30's when we awake, but that's still better than what's to come. Isn't there a certain beauty about this starkness?


  1. Glad you are feeling better!!!! And back to walking...yes, it's a beautiful scene...all I have is asphalt and houses to look at!

  2. I'm glad I clicked on the picture - I did not see tiny hubby until I did and thus did not realize how very tall those trees are! I'd say a stunning landscape, one I could easily convert into a quilt.
