
Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Robbie led the way with her request to see more of the quilts in our groups' "Inspired By" Exhibit.  If you didn't catch my recent post which provided the background....please visit here so you can get a better understanding of our challenge and appreciate what a fabulous job each artist did.  

There were 13 quilts in the exhibit, unfortunately I don't have photos and signage for everyone, but for those that I have, the artists generously gave permission for me to post them. Please respect their copyright and ask for permission to repost...thank you!  The photos are clickable to provide a larger image to enjoy.

Each is for sale, so I you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll put you in touch with the owner.  I can assure you, we all agree that this was the most successful and fun challenge our group has ever undertaken. 

 This piece was sold during the recent Asheville Quilt Guild show and now belongs to Moda Fabrics Collection.

1 comment:

  1. THANK you, Mary!!! Loved seeing your groups work from the Inspired By.....I did send your blog link to my friends so they can see as well. The pieces are REALLY nice!!!! Of course my favorite if the 'cow'!!! :)
    Again, thanks for sharing with us!!!
