
Friday, October 25, 2013


......continued.........The following photos of completed collage paper cloth were taken as they were drying on the blacktop driveway.

  Gen clearly has this concept down pat, as the final touch, she's given her pieces (above and below) a light blue color wash.....

 Kate had a great idea to work on a plastic tray which made transporting the piece outside to dry much easier.
I love this very happy piece Kate made using all tissue paper and paper napkins.
 Above and below are the pieces Judy made.  She let loose after lunch and very quickly (without agonizing or a lot of thought) made the bottom design which we all thought looked exactly like a "Judy" piece.  After seeing this one, we decided that too much thinking wasn't always necessary

 Denny made this one which we all LOVED.....we were dumbfounded when she sprinkled coffee grounds on the wet glue.....FABULOUS!!

Val, who always blows us away with her designs came up with this clever idea.  She used tissue paper on scrim fabric with a golden dye wash.  Isn't the texture she achieved by manipulating the tissue paper super??

Again, and I know I say this every month....I'm so grateful to have such a great group of creative pals who think it's big fun to get our hands messy!


  1. Your work is Amazing Mary !!!

  2. What fun and how different each are!

  3. such a creative group, reminds me when we had to do bits like this when doing the C & G course, have not done much since but this is inspiring.
    I seem to be more drawn to traditional, possibly as I find it easier and have most of the items needed for it
