
Monday, October 21, 2013


Frankly, I don't know why I'm bothering to blog about my weekend at Road's most likely as boring for you to read as it was for me to experience.  Well, it wasn't totally awful but Saturday's weather was awful. Even with 4 layers I was still freezing in the cold and on/off rain.  For anyone who is a car race fan, you may know why this was such a big deal.  It was the final, forever, race of the American LeMans Series which is merging with the Grand Am Series.  Okay, enuff of the back delete or close now if you wish, or read on for a peek at what this world is all about.

 Luckily, we are members of a car club that has a hospitality tent, with parking...a big deal at these huge events.  They do a great job of have tech talks and personalities who share strategies and insights.  This is team Falken....who ended up coming in 1st place in their class.....Yeah!!
 Friday was a beautiful day.....nice to stroll the rows and rows of vendors and team outdoor 'garages'.

 As I mentioned, Sat. was cold with on/off didn't take long for one of the cars to spin out into the gravel right in front of where we were huddled in the hospitality tent.
 One aspect kept me amused.....I swear there was hardly a sq. foot on this huge race track facility that wasn't filled.  Creative camping, no??
 Bumper to bumper tents.....

 And this is just a tiny snippet view of how the upper crust 'camp"!
No track can come close in quality to the food at Road America in Wisconsin...but then perhaps I'm biased.....but we are now in the South and folks here love their BBQ......
 We found a nice cafe for dinner on Friday night that had this creative, almost patchwork, wine cork wall covering. The race on Sat. is 10 hours long, ending about 10:00 PM.  Ya, I know....10 hours...just think how much sewing could be done in 10 hours! The above BBQ stand provided our nice cozy cafe for me Saturday night.

The 2013 season of attending races is over for us, but 'the husband' is already looking forward to the Rolex 24 Hour Race in January.  Yup, I did say 24 hours!!  I cringe at the thought already...but thankfully we do not stay all night....the whining on my part would be unbearable.

Thanks for reading this....and for what I know is your pity......


  1. I would be bored at this meeting but think I would stay in the tent and get on with some stitching!or more likely would have stayed at home!

  2. AT least you had one nice day, weather wise...and thank goodness for the 'tent'!! Wine served? I would just have ear pods in and knitting in hand! he he
