
Sunday, September 22, 2013


A fall Sunday afternoon, when my favorite NFL team is not on TV here in the mountains.....seems like a good day to finish up a holiday project.  I am however listening to the game on the internet and actually wish I could be spared the bad news....but it's early in the game......  so....GO PACKERS!!!!!!  OH ME OF LITTLE FAITH......I TAKE IT ALL BACK..........PACKERS ARE KICKING BUTT NEARLY END OF THE 3RD QUARTER........  oh no.....I spoke too soon.....crying in my Wisconsin beer and brats at the moment!!!

Our DIL was wondering out loud last year about displaying an Advent calendar for 2013.  Well......what MIL couldn't resist raising her hand....waving it a bit....and, me....I'll make one for you!

 This isn't an original idea....I found the inspiration on a DIY site......but felt it was perfect for their family.  You see, our DIL is a 3rd generation Japanese American.  Their Asian heritage is embraced and acknowledged.....especially a time honored commitment to family.  Something so many of us have forgotten!

I ordered 1/2 pint Chinese carry out boxes on line....made a template and proceeded to cut and glue a variety of green print card stock to each side of the boxes.
 Next, I cut out 24 Christmas tree shapes from white card stock & colored the trunk brown.  I experimented with several methods to add numbers to the trees......and ended up stamping them. 
 Production line ready....
 Numbers stamped....
Tree glued in place and each handle will be fitted with a miniature closepin.  DIL will attach a string/ribbon between a large doorway or over their mantle...depending upon which is the most unreachable for the 1 1/2 year old grandson.

Small treasures of course will be added to each box for the family to enjoy as the countdown to Christmas begins Dec. 1st.

It may seem early to be thinking about such things......but in the old days I always had all my shopping finished and gifts wrapped (a new theme each year) by Thanksgiving.  That allowed me the freedom to sit back and enjoy the holidays!!

So......I'd love to hear if anyone else has gone off the organizational deep end??  If so, how.....


  1. It's funny, Mary...I've been retired for 13 years this Oct. 1st...and haven't been organized since then! Now I'm still buying presents on Dec. 21st!

  2. your advent calender is so different from any I have seen before, very nice indeed and am sure it will be put away very carefully after Christmas and will reappear next year and many years to come
