
Monday, June 3, 2013


Here's more photos from our Fiber Junkies day of sun printing.  A big thank you  dear followers for the many suggestions that have come my way.  Yes, we did use translucent paint.  Mixed 2/1 as recommended...we tried equal parts water as well (after it didn't work well) and began on both damp, dry, and PFD and non PFD fabrics......

We recognize now that heavier, flat objects gave us the best of the worst prints. (and knew it at the time but tried to push the envelope anyway)
 This is another one of my experiments working with felted wool....after just painting it from a damp state.
 Button were added.
 Here it is dry......yes, faintly some of the images are visible.  I am not terribly bummed about the less than wonderful results with the felt......I wasn't sure it would work anyway so my expectations were in check!
 We all had sun printing envy over Val's pieces.  As we all totally have garage envy over her 'wet space' each time we visit her house!!  Here she used a plastic doily to get these good results. goes our 'excuse'.....she used a lightweight fern and still got a good print.

Now that my pieces are home and heat seat, I'll take a few more photos to share tomorrow....

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