
Monday, June 10, 2013


The last couple of weeks I've been spring cleaning/organizing/tackling projects I've put get the picture.....

My travel teaching of 25+ years will be concluding at the end of if you have a group that might be interested in my presentations before contact me.

Several especially important quilts have had a short list of interested buyers and I've been contacting them as I slowly reduce my inventory of quilts that have had many publication credits.

Author's are usually advised to retain their 'cover quilts'......and I've struggled with that decision for 'Meadow Flowers'. (Cover quilt for "Beading Basics".)  In the end however, I knew Olivia S. would cherish it as much as I do.  So, it will now be living in PA.

Watch for upcoming posts where I will be offering numerous other embellished pieces for the first time.

Another 'to-do' item, hopefully this week, will be to reorganize my blog shop  to enable viewers to visit the currently for sale items first, rather than having to scroll through both the for sale and sold work at once. Oh I do wish I had a teenager living in the house who could tackle this for me!!

In the meantime....I'm stitching away on the embellished wool wall piece that had me all in a twit about a week ago.  I believe the design problem has finally been solved.  Stay tuned.....and thanks for being a follower of this's good to know you are out there otherwise I'd be worried about talking to myself!

Meadow Flowers   © 2002 Mary Stori
18" x 15"

1 comment:

  1. How nice! Don't you feel good that your quilt will be going to a good home! I have no problem giving away my work when I know someone will appreciate and enjoy the piece.
    p.s. thanks for vote of #3 for Zachary's new home!! I kinda like that one too...looks like he's working his way home! :)
