
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Our Professional Textile Artist fiber group has had a good working relationship with the management at the famous Pisgah Inn for a number of years.  It's located on the historic Blue Ridge Parkway, with breathtaking view from its 5,000 foot elevation at Mt. Pisgah.

Thank you Judy Simmons for providing these photos of the quilts our group currently has on display in the restaurant for sale.  It's been a good season so far as 6 quilts have already been sold...happily one was mine.  As we sell them, quilts replacements are added so I now have two more hanging looking for new homes!

In answer to questions some of you might be thinking about..... no, we've never had one damaged or stolen, and no amazingly none have picked up any offending odors.  We pay a commission to Pisgah Inn on any sales and consider this opportunity to introduce our work to the hundreds of tourist who pass through a win, win!

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