
Friday, June 7, 2013


This week has been full of household my sewing projects are taking a back seat!!  I spent an entire day shampooing our carpets but they still look terrible so I'm pretty bummed about that waste of time.  It's time for a = husband = more than I can clean!

Then our internet has been acting up.....I don't need to tell anyone with a computer how frustrating that can be....every provider blames the problem on someone else's equipment or service!!!!  Grrrrrr.....  So....another day was wasted.  And it turned costly too as we ended up having to purchase yet another piece of equipment for our already super complicated audio/video set up. Seriously the only thing I can do is turn on the TV......I have no clue how to watch a DVD, live stream, play a movie from the ipad, listen to music.....we have a universal remote but often need one of the other 12 remotes to make all these componets work.  To make things worse, quality/fast/reliable internet is NOT the norm here in the mountains....there's no cable here.

Then yesterday half my day was frittered away by attempting to refinish two small strips of hardwood flooring that were discolored from water damage due to leaky door trim...which is now fixed.  I've stripped tons of furniture in my day.....I was sure I could do this.....  I won't bore you with the gory details.....but will say...the flooring now looks worse and I scratched up the wood moulding in those areas and had to sand it and repaint......double grrrr!

Sorry...I'm venting.....I feel slightly better but perhaps you aren't now!!

I'm in the middle of another less than exciting project....and due to the lack of anything really inspiring to share.....I thought I'd give you another look at my life.  We ALL have these times when our creativity needs to take a side step and this is if you are going through this too.....know you aren't alone.

 We go to a lot car races throughout the year. (Frankly, even one is one too many for me.) Not NASCAR, rather we attend the LeMan's and the Grand Am series...which can feature really, really long races. These are a min. of 2 but usually 3 day events.....boring...... 

"The husband" was dissatisfied with the way our old folding chairs fit in our car so he purchased new ones.  But of course they didn't come in a carrier.....but couldn't I make one for each chair??  It can't be that difficult can it?  (says he).....

Well of course it's not hard.....just not that much here I go......
I'm making simple pouches with Velcro closure at the top....and I will add some strap handles to make carting them around easier....
Naturally, racing fans need to have everything 'branded' each will have a patch sewn you hear me sighing???


  1. I feel your pain. I thought I was the only one who couldn't watch a DVD on my TV - watch them on the computer if I have to!
    All this technology is great .... when it cooperates and works.


  2. Oh Mary, I hear ya.....just too frustrating and will only get worse as we watch our baby grandchildren run rings around us with this stuff in another year or two.

  3. Must be in the air....we switched from Charter for our phones/TV/etc. to Direct TV and that works great...but our DSL is through Century Link and we've had dropped service at least once a day! What's up with that!! Plus, when DSL goes out so does my printer's wireless connection...and I can't find our Network! UGH..have to call then they do 'magic' at their far DSL has gone out twice tonight! Must be time for wine!
