
Saturday, June 29, 2013


Sometimes I think I live in a cave.....I had no clue that Google was going to discontinue its RSS feed on July 1st.  But I do now, thanks to a post by Kit Lang (check out her great work here.)

So what does this mean?  If you are receiving my blog, or any others via RSS will need to switch to a new provider.  Everyone online seems to agree that is a good replacement. However I spent 2 hrs. yesterday trying to get it set up on my devices and with the exception of my ipad, I can't figure it out.  Perhaps my laptop and desk top's software is too old to be compatible.....  Geesh.....  I'm running on empty in the patience department for all the constant changes new technology is requiring!!'s another simple way for you keep my posts coming to you.  Go to my blog, look on the right side bar, about half way down...right below the gallery slide show.  Add your email address in the box, click and you will receive an email of every new post I write.  Or if you understand this RSS stuff can subscribe that way, just not with Google RSS anymore.

Do it now.......I wouldn't want to lose contact with you!!!


  1. Mary, I switched to The Old Reader which is a near clone of Google Reader. It was quick and easy to import my feeds and set it up, and has worked for me just like Google reader. Some feedly fans have since become disenchanted with it and love the old reader. It is working well on my old computer with XP and Mozilla browser, my laptop with Windows7 and Chrome browser and my Kindle Fire.

    And this post tells me you have not been following my blog lately as I did my own post about this last week. ;-)

  2. Thanks for the reminder Mary.
    I do remember seeing this, but also ignored it for more important things. But, alas I don't want to loose reading your blog.

    It is just so aggravating keeping up with all of this. Between the phone and the computer seems like I'm constantly learning some new way to manage my technology. I'd rather be sewing.

    P.S. and you know I'm a techy at heart.

  3. OK, we must be sharing the cave...what is RSS that where the little box on our blogs?? Yikes..I thought I was savy...but guess not!
