
Saturday, May 11, 2013


It was so relaxing to have my needle in hand again.....yet I felt unnecessarily pushed to make quick progress.  NOT a good idea! 

 After treating the designs as if they were tree trunks by adding some hand embroidered branches, I ended up ripping them all out.  In fact, I was so annoyed at myself for not doing a better job with my 'mental designing' that I did the un-stitching in haste....and never documented my foolishness.

 So, I began again...this time with a better idea of the direction I plan to take.
With numerous thread choices and some wonderful black walnut slices that my friend Lynn gave me.....I see many evenings of happy stitching ahead.  I'll keep you posted.

Does this happen to you too??  Enthusiasm takes over too quickly??


  1. Yep...I've done more "unsewing" in my art work than I care to think about! In fact, on the piece I'm doing for Out of Asia, I just removed ALL the machine stitching I did! I didn't like the blue on white so I changed and stitched again in red (I'm doing hand work in red...sooooo). Lovin' where this piece is going..can't ait to see full results of your efforts! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!

  2. Yep...I've done more "unsewing" in my art work than I care to think about! In fact, on the piece I'm doing for Out of Asia, I just removed ALL the machine stitching I did! I didn't like the blue on white so I changed and stitched again in red (I'm doing hand work in red...sooooo). Lovin' where this piece is going..can't ait to see full results of your efforts! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
